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8025 N. 21st Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85021 is not showing correctly in OpenStreetMap. Google Maps has it correct, but OpenStreetMap seems to not be able to find it. Can someone please help? Thx!

asked 15 Aug '19, 22:08

JNAlessi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The area in question currently has no addresses, so you will need to add them before you can expect anything to show (Phoenix in general doesn't seem to have very many residential addresses, yet).

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answered 15 Aug '19, 22:16

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Normally, OpenStreetMap gets the addresses correct, but this one it struggles with. How can Google Maps find it, but OpenStreetMap cannot? Phoenix (being the 7th largest city in the United States) has many residential addresses. That said, how can I add this address to the OSM database so it can show properly? Im fine with helping out, just need to know how.

(15 Aug '19, 22:25) JNAlessi

When you search on the search engine will use rough address data from the US TIGER dataset, this is however -not- in our data and can't easily be fixed nor would that make sense.

To add data to OSM go to, create an account, log in, and press the "Edit" button. There is an introduction to editing with iD (that is the editing "app" that you get on the website), which covers what you need to know, and off you go.

(15 Aug '19, 22:54) SimonPoole ♦

Sounds good, thank you SimonPoole!

(15 Aug '19, 23:22) JNAlessi

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question asked: 15 Aug '19, 22:08

question was seen: 1,550 times

last updated: 15 Aug '19, 23:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum