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My starting point was using Cycle.Travel website to plan cycle routes (then transfer them as TCX to my Garmin Edge Explore). I found that a local route didn't plan correctly. The promenade and the road next to it were treated as two separate and unconnected routes because the frequent dropped kerbs which allow cyclists to move between road and promenade aren't recorded on the map.

So I set out to amend the map. Signed up for an account and read a lot of help information, and decided to give it a go. My idea was to go to the location with my tablet, and mark the exact spot of each dropped kerb using GPS, then add these to the map.

How did it go? I read that it was really easy to do simple edits. Just open the web site, sign in, and click on the "Edit" button.

Ummm.....edit button? What edit button? I discovered quite by accident that the "Edit" button doesn't show when the tablet is in portrait, but only when it is in landscape.

OK, moving on. I clicked on "Edit" and started the tutorial, and quickly got to the bit that said "we are going to assume that you have a mouse with a left and right button".

Now I probably could rig up a USB mouse using an OTG cable but I have then gone from a hand held tablet to a sort of PC setup with none of the advantages of holding a tablet in one hand and interacting with the other.

I realise that I could leave notes at the locations of the drop kerbs for someone else to use to update the map. However I have absolutely no idea how often or quickly these notes are processed.

So I thought it advisable to come here and ask how other people solve this.

asked 11 Aug '19, 15:49

LittleGreyCatUK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think the most popular editor for Android is Vespucci.

A few of the navigation apps have limited support for editing (normally restricted to POIs) this page has some further information. Unfortunately I think this question's answers are still relevant when it come to the default in-browser editor.

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answered 11 Aug '19, 18:50

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Thank you for the link.

Does anyone have reliable information on how long it typically takes to turn a note into a map amendment?

If it is days, then this seems a reasonable option. If it is months then I need to keep looking for an alternative solution.


(1) Respectfully noting that part of my original questions was: "I realise that I could leave notes at the locations of the drop kerbs for someone else to use to update the map. However I have absolutely no idea how often or quickly these notes are processed." So the follow up was to highlight that this part of the question had not yet been answered. It was not a new question.

(2) Further respectfully noting that the posted link appears to describe how frequently direct edits are applied. In my limited understanding so far, for the Newbie there is the option to add a Note (and not directly edit the map) so that someone else can later apply the edit described in the Note. The expected elapsed time for this to happen impacts on the effectiveness of using Notes compared to investing time in finding out how to directly edit the map.

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answered 12 Aug '19, 09:17

LittleGreyCatUK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Aug '19, 10:20

Please don't ask a new question as an "answer" to an old one - this Q&A site doesn't really support that. That question is already asked at .

(12 Aug '19, 09:25) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 11 Aug '19, 15:49

question was seen: 1,656 times

last updated: 12 Aug '19, 10:20

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