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Why didn't the disputed border that crossing the Indian-called "Arunachal Pradesh" be shown on the map? When I went to the edit page I can see the disputed line that China claims but when I quit I can't see it.

asked 04 Aug '19, 04:54

Ri%20Sergey's gravatar image

Ri Sergey
accept rate: 0%

There have been many discussions about disputed borders over the years, one of which resulted in the official position here.

There have been many discussions about how to store conflicting claims and while several competing claims may be stored in the database, what is normally shown on the "default" map is what is thought to be the extent of actual "on the ground" control of an area. People can and do make other renderings of the database with their preferred interpretations.

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answered 04 Aug '19, 20:49

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 04 Aug '19, 04:54

question was seen: 1,753 times

last updated: 04 Aug '19, 20:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum