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How to tag portion of road which goes under water in rainy season

This portion of the road goes under water in rainy season. The road runs through vast area of farm lands which go under water in rainy season, the nature of these lands are like this in rainy season, and remain for 4-5 months. not finding the english word to describe, but in my language these lands called haor (pronounced like haa-oor).

Now the question is , how to tag this road portion? ford=yes or flood prone=yes, or other way. Is there any way to set time range to this, like from June - October, this road portion goes under water?


This road goes under water fully from june-september. village people still walk making their legs wet. In the full active rainy season, it is like above photos. before and after this 'full season', about 1+1 month, vehicles can run but the road acts something like ford ,like the picture aside: .

video when it acts something like ford:

Uchitpur - Youtube


Uchitpur Uchitpur


Uchitpur - Youtube

asked 02 Aug '19, 23:50

zabir's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Aug '19, 07:09

There is a wiki page for seasonal tagging of waterways etc., but I'm not sure how often they are used on roads.

Time based conditional restrictions on roads do tend to follow the opening hours format which does support months of the year. Whether this is useful in your case will likely depend on how reliable the start and end of the rainy season is.

permanent link

answered 03 Aug '19, 19:57

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Thanks. seasonal tagging solved another question about seasonal wetland which I was going to ask here. I think this would work for roads too. where it works for wetlands, ponds, grocer's/farmer's markets, waterways.

.... and rural roads might close from the first snow until thaw.

(03 Aug '19, 21:44) zabir

I've added both seasonal=wet_season and flood_prone_yes and removed ford=yes which is inappropriate I think.

(04 Aug '19, 06:19) zabir

Here's an example of conditional tagging on a road usually closed in winter:

(04 Aug '19, 16:58) SK53 ♦

did you place seasonal=wet_season on the highway ? Wouldn't that mean it is usable during that season ?

(05 Aug '19, 04:14) escada

sorry for late. I was busy for Eid Festival.

@escada I thought 'flood_prone=seasonal + seasonal=wet_season' make it flood prone in wet season.

@SK53. thanks. that helps. This road goes under water fully from june-september. village people still walk making their legs wet, still I would set it not accessible. In the full rainy season, it is like above photos. before and after this 'full season', about 1+1 month vehicles can run but the road acts something like ford ,like the picture aside: .

(11 Aug '19, 06:14) zabir

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question asked: 02 Aug '19, 23:50

question was seen: 2,091 times

last updated: 11 Aug '19, 07:09

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