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I'm trying to find the Administrative region (admin_level = 4) for cities, towns and villages within a country. I have downloaded the Xml containing the nodes and the relations (through overpass) which should represent the cities with their relations to the administrative regions, however in some cases, like for example Austria I couldn't navigate through the relation trees to get to the admin region.

Am I tackling this problem in the correct way? Is there perhaps another way I could achieve this?

Thanks in advance Clinton

asked 02 Aug '19, 16:08

Clinton%20Mercieca's gravatar image

Clinton Merc...
accept rate: 0%

I'm not sure, but maybe this site could help you:

permanent link

answered 05 Aug '19, 17:21

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 02 Aug '19, 16:08

question was seen: 2,365 times

last updated: 05 Aug '19, 17:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum