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We have lived on a new road for 1 year and was immediately able to add it to Google Maps. However over the last year many deliveries do not navigate correctly. The address is 2061 Mistyoak Ln, Cincinnati Ohio 45237. The incorrect navigation ends up at the end of Warren Ave (you will see on the map. It is 50 ft away but does not connect and it is over a fence).

I found that many companies use this program vs Google Maps so I edited the street to change it to paved and residential and corrected the shape. I even added an "area" as a building (house) with my street number. However it still routes to the end of Warren Avenue instead of taking the obvious turn off the main street onto Mistyoak.

Can someone look at this and tell me what needs to be done (or correct it). Thanks!!

asked 01 Aug '19, 05:50

bballgt00's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It has now been 6 days and still routes incorrectly. Interesting if I go out of Openstreet maps (following the link to OSRM) the routing engine has it correct. Also within Openstreet, OSRM BICYCLE is correct just not car. Again, I have made it a residential street so I can not figure out why!!

I just added a chain link fence that exist. It goes between Warren Ave (the route it takes) and Mistyoak ln, my street.

Please, I'm sure someone in this forum understands why a bike can get there but a car can not. Thanks

(07 Aug '19, 19:26) bballgt00

There appears to have been an old "proposed road" tag on the road. It's possible that the routing engines were interpreting this to mean "the road is proposed and hasn't been built yet". I've deleted this, so let's see what happens on the next routing update.

(07 Aug '19, 20:49) Richard ♦

Great Removing "the proposed road" tag appears to have fixed OSRM navigation, But GraphHopper is still incorrect. I've waited an extra day on it but it still maybe server syncing. Other thoughts?

Still had a Grocery Deliver go to the wrong street yesterday - starting to frustrate my wife lol. Thanks for the help

(09 Aug '19, 16:20) bballgt00

You have added the road only three hours ago. While it displays quite quickly on the routers to be updated takes somewhat longer. The routing engines on the same site update their routing data once a day I believe. Apps on your smartphone might take much longer, update cycles of one or two months are normal I would say.

I suggest to wait a day and then see if the routers on work correctly. Eventually other routers will then follow suit.

permanent link

answered 01 Aug '19, 08:23

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

It has now been 6 days and still routes incorrectly. Interesting if I go out of Openstreet maps (following the link to OSRM) the routing engine has it correct. Also within Openstreet, OSRM BICYCLE is correct just not car. Again, I have made it a residential street so I can not figure out why!! I just added a chain link fence that exist. It goes between Warren Ave (the route it takes) and Mistyoak ln, my street. Please, I'm sure someone in this forum understands why a bike can get there but a car can not. Thanks

(07 Aug '19, 19:26) bballgt00

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question asked: 01 Aug '19, 05:50

question was seen: 1,795 times

last updated: 09 Aug '19, 16:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum