Hi I using Navfree with with my ipod I using with the tom tom car kit. In Navfree some of my local and by roads are missing. I would like to help out and trace these map. what would I need. can it be done with my ipod. Thanks |
welcome. I addition to LM-1's answer a good place to start is http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide You can also learn lots from the documentation link on the map page and searching these help pages. If you are in an area with good bing Ariel images, that's a traceable background that you may draw over in the editors,with local knowledge you can do a lot without even stepping outside,but is more interesting to survey on the ground especailly if your ipod as a GPS. good luck edit extra their are also some good tutorial videos http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Video_tutorials Hey Thanks. I found a few app that does record my track and my way points and store them in a gpx file. So I am now beginning to update and filling in my area where they are missing roads
(11 Aug '11, 21:33)
I am not sure what an iPad is capable of, but you essentialy need a device with GPS receiver that can record the traces. Edit: See comments for recommended application. I think they meant iPod touch, as in the non-phone version of the iPhone, rather than iPad, the tablet.
(11 Aug '11, 16:37)
Andy Allan
Mapzen (http://mapzen.cloudmade.com/) is listed on the navfree homepage as the recomended editor. Also watch out for the difference between ipod and ipad. The former is a small device with only wifi/mobile network localisation, while the later is a tablet with a proper (if not great) gps.
(11 Aug '11, 16:40)
Vincent de P... ♦
ok, I know the difference, I just read it wrong...
(11 Aug '11, 16:47)
Mapzen is a Flash editor so won't work with the iPod, either. Mapzen POI Collector does work on the iPhone and iPod touch, but cannot add roads, only points of interest. You may also have difficulties on the iPod touch given that it doesn't have a GPS receiver.
(19 Nov '11, 23:13)
Richard ♦
You can have a look at Apple_iOS to find some software that works on iOS devices. Maybe there are apps that are able to record tracks, display and/or edit the raw map data. |