Hi, I am trying to compile project which uses osrm libraries and was written in 2017.I installed osrm server on my system yesterday and trying to make the application run.But while compiling on ubuntu 18.04 i am getting compilation errors.For eg,for the following code block
I am getting error during compilation like:-
It seems to me as some API has changed and my machine is using new APIs and the code is built on old API.Can you tell me how can I see which parameters changes if i am correct?How do I make changes in the current code to use member names of new API? |
Your question would seem to be rather out of scope for this site, I would suggest posing your question on the OSRM mailing list that is likely to get you faster and better results. Thank you.I have posted it there
(30 Jul '19, 10:02)
In case anyone is searching for it: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/osrm-talk/2019-July/001790.html
(30 Jul '19, 12:24)
scai ♦