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I have 16 unsaved edits. When I tried to save, OSM pop-uped a new window asking me to login. So I did. But then had some error and redirected me for a page saying to contact OSM. Well, now my edit tab is blocked from doing anything. I can't save my edits.

  • iD editor
  • Firefox 68.0.1
  • Manjaro Linux

Screenshot:alt text

asked 26 Jul '19, 06:50

lunatica's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The save button still seems to be active. Do you get any error message? Does it show you to be logged in in the top right hand corner?

(26 Jul '19, 07:29) TZorn

Well, I can't click on the save button though. It's blocked. No, I only got a error message when I tried to login on the window which OSM pop-uped. When I put the mouse over the save button it says me to review my changes... Yes, it shows my nickname on the top right.

(26 Jul '19, 07:41) lunatica

Can you provide your OSM username?

(26 Jul '19, 15:07) SimonPoole ♦

It's Lunatica.

(26 Jul '19, 17:41) lunatica

I have no real solution to your problem, but maybe a way to recover your work. Before you discard everything you could try one thing: Click on the Open Street Map logo/text on the top left to go back to the regular map. Then klick on edit again. If things go well you will then be asked to restore your unsaved changes.

permanent link

answered 26 Jul '19, 09:26

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

@TZorn I tried messing up with the HTML, but was tired and just ended up discarding my edits. Your proposed workaround could work, but I can't test it now. Anyway, thanks for your helping! I'll mark your answer as accepted.

(26 Jul '19, 17:46) lunatica

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question asked: 26 Jul '19, 06:50

question was seen: 1,535 times

last updated: 26 Jul '19, 17:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum