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I have noticed that lots of streets have missing street numbers. The data for it is publicly available and I would like to update the maps with the addresses.

The street numbers can easily be updated using the latitude and longitude. Can someone advise how to go about doing it?

asked 22 Jul '19, 22:36

MichaelSingh02's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


As stf mentioned please reach out to the Aussie community on our mailing list In short you can't use GNAF but can use VicMap, ACTMapi, NSW Spatial Services data, and a few local councils in QLD. Even then you need to follow the import guidelines from the OSM wiki

(23 Jul '19, 02:58) aharvey

This classifies, or at least it sounds to me like it classifies, as an import. Please read the wiki pages on importing data and involve your local Australian mappers in the process. First and foremost, you need to convince your fellow mappers that the copyright on the "publicly available" data is compatible with OSM. Lots of public data is not.

As to the mechanics: There is a plug-in for JOSM that allows you to load spreadsheet data in the form of a CSV file (and probably other formats). But you need to approach this systematically (tasking manager helps) as each and every point should be confirmed to be plausible and if there is any existing house numbers that the data is properly conflated. This is where having a team of your local mappers is vital!

To do any and all of this you need to involve the people on a couple of the email lists, many most of the key players for imports are not people who frequent this help web site.

permanent link

answered 23 Jul '19, 01:47

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 22 Jul '19, 22:36

question was seen: 2,295 times

last updated: 23 Jul '19, 02:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum