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I'm interested in displaying the name of road/street that certain features sit on. One feature I'm interested in is 'crossing' another is traffic_signal. I've come up with some Overpass QL (below), but is this a sensible approach, or is there a more efficient method? The bbox I'm interested in is Norwich, UK [bbox:52.578228,1.171761,52.693864,1.525726].
Thanks, Robin

    foreach {
      way(bn)["name"]-> .ways;
      convert result
          ::id   = id(),
          ::geom = center(geom()),
          road_name    = ways.set(t["name"] ),
          road_speed = ways.set(t["maxspeed"]),
          :: = ::;
    out geom;

    foreach {
      way(bn)["name"]-> .ways;
      convert result
          ::id   = id(),
          ::geom = center(geom()),
          road_name    = ways.set(t["name"] ),
          road_speed = ways.set(t["maxspeed"]),
          ::     = ::;
    out geom;

asked 19 Jul '19, 12:22

RobinK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Jul '19, 23:46

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question asked: 19 Jul '19, 12:22

question was seen: 1,235 times

last updated: 19 Jul '19, 23:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum