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I am trying to find how to tag changing places in OSM (details here).

The existing amenity=toilets schema offers some useful tags that incorporate individual elements of a changing place. However, I am wondering if this would be the best approach, as some tags could be ambiguous.

For example, one facility in a changing place is a height-adjustable change table. While changing_table=yes/no/limited does exist, it is not clear in the tag whether it is intended for adults or babies, nor if it is height-adjustable.

Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

asked 19 Jul '19, 01:32

philam48's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't believe there is an easy answer.

If this is mainly a property of toilets (aka you can assume that all of these facilities have a toilet and the toilet is the main facility you would be looking for) extending the toilet tagging scheme would seem to be best.

If on the other hand these are mainly stand-alone facilities that may or may not have a toilet then a separate tagging scheme might make more sense.

Potentially we will need both to map the real world.

In any case a better place for discussion and further input is the tagging mailing list:

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answered 22 Jul '19, 09:10

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

I believe the diaper tagging scheme was designed for exactly this purpose. Check out if it already covers what you are looking for or how it needed be expended. I'm not sure how sufficiently it covers the adult changing places aspect. There is also a specialized map "Babykarte" which shows changing tables on a map. Its description is only available in German unfortunately. If you want to expand the scheme the tagging mailing list is probably the best location to start the discussion.

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answered 22 Jul '19, 13:48

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 19 Jul '19, 01:32

question was seen: 1,262 times

last updated: 22 Jul '19, 13:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum