I am looking for an API where I can retrieve the co-ordinates (GeoJson or topojson) of trees (Or POIs which consists of trees) . I want the request to be sent in tiled web map format (ie https://data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/anonymous/tree/15/33187/22545.json something like this). I have checked OSMBuildings it doesn't have details of trees.
I am expecting this kind of response from the server Thank you |
There's the OpenTrees site which seems to do what you are seeking as an end product. The code is viewable here, this might help you set up your own project. Thank you but that doesn't have data of my region
(22 Jul '19, 12:33)
You seem to have conflicting requests. Do you want to get raw data for the trees, or rendered image tiles? If you want the raw data, then you'll have to use whatever syntax the given API expects, which almost certainly won't be the Slippy Map syntax.
I'd be really suprised if there was an off-the-shelf server that provided what you want. I'm sure that you can download OSM data and extract what you want, though, or use overpass to obtain it for a particular area.
Thanks to alester and SomeoneElse for responding. I have updated question with sample response. This makes solves the confusion i guess.