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I recently learnt that there exist shopping sundays in Poland since 2018 (scattered unevenly over the whole year).

I searched for existing tags and found something like 'opening_hours=Mo-Th 07:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 07:00-23:00; Su[-1] 08:00-21:00' e.g. at way 325468584

But this is not correct at all if you look at (green sundays in the calendar).

So what can one do? is it a "task" with similar difficulty like German school holidays? (except that "niedziele handlowe" are the same all over Poland)

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 15 Jul '19, 10:51

village's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Here's some more information about the "Shopping Sundays" -

(15 Jul '19, 11:40) Andy Allan - seems to be quite regular.

from 2020 this would be:

easter -7 days

Jan, Apr, Jun, Aug: Su [-1]

Dec 10 +Su; Dec 17 +Su (this should be 3rd and 4th Advent, after reading Key:opening_hours/specification#Explanations)

(15 Jul '19, 13:22) village

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question asked: 15 Jul '19, 10:51

question was seen: 904 times

last updated: 15 Jul '19, 13:36

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