I recently learnt that there exist shopping sundays in Poland since 2018 (scattered unevenly over the whole year). I searched for existing tags and found something like 'opening_hours=Mo-Th 07:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 07:00-23:00; Su[-1] 08:00-21:00' e.g. at way 325468584 But this is not correct at all if you look at kalbi.pl (green sundays in the calendar). So what can one do? is it a "task" with similar difficulty like German school holidays? (except that "niedziele handlowe" are the same all over Poland)
This question is marked "community wiki".
Here's some more information about the "Shopping Sundays" - http://kidsinthecity.pl/poland-sunday-trading-ban-and-shopping-sundays-dates/
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_shopping#Poland - seems to be quite regular.
from 2020 this would be:
easter -7 days
Jan, Apr, Jun, Aug: Su [-1]
Dec 10 +Su; Dec 17 +Su (this should be 3rd and 4th Advent, after reading Key:opening_hours/specification#Explanations)