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Hi there. I've come up with a question I can't find an answer to. In a one way highway, does it matter to set the direction of a sign? Like here, for example: alt text

asked 14 Jul '19, 23:00

AntMadeira's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I find it reasonable to always be explicit as possible. Of course that is limited by time and my willingness to explore. But where I know what could be tagged I generally do it. Traffic rules are so different across countries, rules change, one-way usage changes. I don't see much redundancy here that would have to be avoided.

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answered 15 Jul '19, 08:50

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


I do not bother to add a direction=forward|backward tag if there is a oneway=yes. Seems like any reasonable data consumer should be able to figure out that you can only approach the highway=stop/giveway/traffic_signals from one direction.

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answered 15 Jul '19, 02:37

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

That's also my view on this, although my real doubt is about routing and navigation systems. I think it's something redundant, but I have not technical knowledge to affirm that.

(15 Jul '19, 02:55) AntMadeira

That is also how I map them, unless cyclists can go in the opposite direction (very common where I live) and the give way sign is on the other end.

(15 Jul '19, 04:06) escada

If you are used to mapping signs you know how forward/backward works. So why bother thinking about not mapping direction? Just do it and get on to the next sign.

The information is only redundant as long as no other information is changed.Maybe at some point in the future the one-way is removed, maybe only for cyclists. Or motorized scooters will in the future be obliged to travel on the sidewalk but adhere to the road signs. Who knows. If you now omit tagging direction it will likely stay off the node for a long time even if circumstances change.

(15 Jul '19, 08:39) TZorn

On the other hand, any "No Entry" signs will probably only be visible "backwards".

(15 Jul '19, 21:53) InsertUser

Now that you mention it @InsertUser, there are also often undirected signs in one-way streets (no parking, repetition of the one-way along the street, footway). I wouldn't expect a data consumer to maintain a list with possible undirected and directed signs.

(16 Jul '19, 09:28) TZorn

any reasonable data consumer should be able to figure out

That's an argument, but in practice they don't, so it depends whether you want your mapping to actually be used.

(16 Jul '19, 10:25) Richard ♦
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question asked: 14 Jul '19, 23:00

question was seen: 1,377 times

last updated: 16 Jul '19, 10:25

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