Some bus routes in my area have special stops off the normal route that buses only stop at when someone calls a phone number listed on a sign by the stop. Is there any consensus on how to include stops like these as part of the routes? |
I don't think there is an established way mapping those, nor marking them in the route. Entire lines that only operate on a phone call get sometimes tagged with on_demand=yes (example). I'd suggest using that tag on your stops, too. That's a good idea for the stops, but now I'm thinking about the way segments on the extra "leg" of the route. It would be helpful if they could be specified as on_demand=yes as well for the route, but then a way could potentially need on_demand tags for every route relation it belongs to. Would it make sense to assign a role to those extra segments, and perhaps the stops as well?
(14 Jul '19, 16:27)
If I saw this on a station I might assume it was a request stop which has specific tagging for railways. Route master tagging can handle variant routes, but the mailing lists or the forums are a better place for tag creation.
(14 Jul '19, 18:49)