Hi there, I noticed that users have splittet a lot of towerblocks / Plattenbau buildings into small buildings for each part / stairwell. After discussion, I would like to merge the building shape into a single building way, that contains indipendend nodes per housenumber. But I know only a manual way using JOSM to extract and cleanup the infos (add nodes, copy & paste content of each building part, remove remaining tags, merge parts to main building). Anybody an idea to speedup this process? building-tools addon just offer another splitup, but not a reunion :-( |
While I'm not convinced this is a good idea (are you sure these don't outline separate residences?), I do have a method that should work:
Note that in an area / development where you think several streets worth of addresses are misrepresented, the conflate plugin and join overlapping areas tool can both operate over several terraces at once so this isn't necessarily as long as it seems. For a one off, it might be quicker to use the auto increment function of the address preset as on the new address nodes.
(12 Jul '19, 20:34)