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Hello everyone,

I'm am currently developing a map feature in Angular, where i would like to run the offline version of OSM as the map engine. Is there any way to set another theme or style the default map, that does not include having a third party tiles renderer that requires internet connection?

Thanks alot!

asked 11 Jul '19, 11:43

Steffen106's gravatar image

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When you say "offline version of OSM" what do you have in mind? I just had a quick look at and can't guess, but I think most Android apps that work offline that I have render their own maps.

(11 Jul '19, 13:08) EdLoach ♦

Thanks for the quick response Ed,

The link you've referred to is the offline version i've read about. Allright, so they basically just use the raw geospatial data from OSM and renders it with their own renderer?

Are there are web renderer libraries that you know of that i could use, or do i need to write my own?

Thanks alot!

(11 Jul '19, 13:36) Steffen106

OSM is essentially just a big pile of data. I'd imagine that the questioner here is looking for an offline JS framework to use. Unfortunately the wiki page is a bit of a laundry list. If you want a non-commercial "worked example" then maybe might be worth a look (although I've not tried it myself).

(11 Jul '19, 13:38) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 11 Jul '19, 11:43

question was seen: 1,830 times

last updated: 11 Jul '19, 13:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum