I have 50 rows dataset, and 'm trying to match those locations with OSM data. I want to have info such as polygon, lat&long, housenumber, street etc (whatever it has) from OSM. One of my location Moncoeur Belleville in France. As you can see in the link, there is information about the place with node number: 446868082 When I search based on OsmApi with node number, I got the output that I want to take.
However, If I made a search based on the overpass, this place can not found. I tried a varios different combination for my search :
In the second search, many places found however none of them are Moncoeur Belleville. So may I learn why I can't find this location using Overpass? I'm asking this cause I don't think it is a good idea to check each time this kind of location's node number from OSM map. That's why I believe I need to use overpass API. |
The spelling of the place isn't what you'd expect - have a look at https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/KyM (which does find it) and you can see that the "œ" is written as one character not two. Whether Overpass should be expected to understand this is a different question - if you edit the query https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/KyN to contain "ss" it doesn't work, so it doesn't do automatic ss / eszett translation (and I can understand why that decision was made). I understand it makes sense. However, if I make a search based on lat&long (see in my second_search), not name or address, still this place cannot be found. In my example above, I searched for 100, and just now I increased to 400, and I printed whole places around 400meters based this lat&long, but still, this place is not in the list. I don't think it is a matter of character situation only.
(08 Jul '19, 12:19)
Hi, now I ve edited my question. as you can see above at my third_search, I made a search with node, however, I got nothing. But I changed as "Moncœur Belleville" as @SomeoneElse warned me. And I got the node info. Thank you. Is there any way to search the node using lat&long?
(08 Jul '19, 15:42)
@maxerickson it works, many thanks
(09 Jul '19, 11:17)