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Hi I'm failing to understand how family-id works. I'm using the latest mkgmap to compile a custom map:

java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar "mkgmap.jar" --gmapsupp --tdbfile --family-id=42 --style-file="generic new" "2000.typ" "Shepton.gz"

This produces a map that's viewable in Garmin Basecamp, but doesn't look as expected

I'm using OpenFietsMap's style & typ files from:

This section of the wiki says: "If you want to compile a map with a TYP file, you will need to ensure that the family-id of the map matches that of the TYP file"

If you view 2000.txt from the github you'll see the FID is set to 2000

However if I change --family-id=42 in the command line to 2000 Basecamp issues this error message & won't open:

alt text

What is the solution?

asked 07 Jul '19, 13:49

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 09 Jul '19, 16:54

I would use MapSetToolkit to manipulate this type of thing: which are Windows Registry entries IIRC. I'm not sure where you'd find it now, but I still find it useful.

(07 Jul '19, 20:44) SK53 ♦

I've been using MapSetToolkit occasionally for a few years, but I want to use mkgmap command line options within script to semi automate the process. MapSetToolkit's GUI means filling in the options every time. A real pain if your experimenting while learning to use it.

Also, unless I'm mistaken, it doesn't create a gmapsupp.img required for a Garmin GPSr

(09 Jul '19, 17:24) DaveF

If you're changing the family ID in the files but not updating the respective registry values with MapSetToolkit, then BaseCamp isn't able to find what it's expecting. When the family ID changes, the filenames of the TDB and IMG files change too, so these all need to be updated in the registry.

(09 Jul '19, 18:45) alester

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question asked: 07 Jul '19, 13:49

question was seen: 1,797 times

last updated: 09 Jul '19, 18:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum