Hi. I'd like to produce (for a non-profit community newsletter) a map showing the parish boundary of Bobbing in Kent, UK. A section of the boundary is the purple line in this link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/51.35040/0.68799 Despite reading for hours I can't find any way of making this purple line in to a thicker solid line so that it shows up properly in print. Please can anyone advise? Thank you. |
The boundary of Bobbing is represented in OSM by a relation object with the id 2421664. You can cause this object to be highlighted (albeit in orange) by using the URL https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2421664 I don't know if that is good enough for your purpose. 2
Thank you very much! That's great, and I've made a donation to OpenStreetMap in recognition.
(08 Jul '19, 13:43)