Hi, When I created my OSMap (OpenStreetMap) account I made a typo in the username. I fixed that typo by changing the Screen Name, and the username has been automatically updated. But the original (wrong) username is still displayed by OSCam (OpenStreetCam). I revoked all tokens, closed all sessions, cleaned all cookies but the problem remains. How can I fix that? Thanks for your help. OSMap (ok) > OSCam (wrong) > |
Whoever "OSCam" are, you'll need to talk to them about it. I've also no idea who "OSMap" are.
Hi SomeoneElse,
OSMap = Open Street Map = https://www.openstreetmap.org/
OSCam = Open Street Cam = https://openstreetcam.org/
When you log on OpenStreetCam you can use your OpenStreetMap account. You don't have to create a specific account on OpenStreetCam. So all information used by OpenStreetCam are coming from OpenStreetMap . This is why I'm using this forum dedicated to OpenStreetMap.
OpenStreetCam is a site operated by Telenav. You'll need to contact them.