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Can we download OSM and edit it for commercial purpose? Once we have made changes do we have to upload the map back?

asked 10 Aug '11, 10:01

Sreemoyee%20Mitra's gravatar image

Sreemoyee Mitra
accept rate: 0%

Of course you can download all the data (this is one of the main benefits of OSM, the download is called the "planet", more information can be found here) and use it for any purpose, including commercial ones.

But: if you publish derived results (like rendered maps) you currently have to license them in cc-by-sa2.0. For the future it is planned to move to ODBL. This will change slightly the way you have to license your work because you will then also have to publish the modifications which you apply to the database (or the modified database or you document how you did the modifications so that others can redo this and get the same result).

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answered 10 Aug '11, 11:38

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Could we get a tutorial on how to do so please

(10 Aug '11, 11:40) Sreemoyee Mitra

If you want to have an overview as well as deeper information about using and processing the OSM data, start in the OSM wiki ( and read all information, especially the "Beginners guide".

When you have further questions in special things, ask here with a new topic, but before try to find solutions by the search funktion here, at, one if the mailing lists, the IRC channels or in the wiki.

(10 Aug '11, 16:11) stephan75

Yes, you can download the maps and use them for whatever purpose you like. You do not have to upload the changed map back to OSM servers, but you do have to share it under OSM licence. CloudMade does this.

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answered 10 Aug '11, 10:28

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

thanks for this information ,quite helpful. is it possible to get a link/tutorial of any kind for windows or linux systems?

(10 Aug '11, 10:38) Sreemoyee Mitra

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question asked: 10 Aug '11, 10:01

question was seen: 4,916 times

last updated: 10 Aug '11, 16:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum