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It seems that Italian administrative relations tend to have a "short_name" that is geographic code, instead of an actual name. For example, Rome:

The short name is "RM", which I doubt fulfills the Wiki's description for "short_name" of "should be a recognizable, commonly used short version of the name, not a nick name".

The enclosing province, , has a short name of "LAZ". I see this kind of tagging all across Italy, at many administrative levels.

Is this correct?

asked 02 Jul '19, 10:09

Jeffrey%20Friedl's gravatar image

Jeffrey Friedl
accept rate: 0%

Hi, in Italy we have: Regions and Provinces. Regions are made up of multiple Provinces. LAZ means Lazio region, RM means Roma province. Both those LAZ and RM are still used in Italian addresses, therefore I don't really think we should have them removed. E.g., if you want to send a letter (via post office, no email) to someone living in a city which is part of the RM province, you have to write down the address, which would be something like: Via Francesco Totti, Fiumicino, RM/Roma (stating the province), LAZ/Lazio (stating the region), Italia. I'd also suggest discuss this within the Italian mailing list. That could surely be source for other interesting remarks. Hope this helps clarifying things a bit.

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answered 02 Jul '19, 16:56

Constable's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%


These look more like refs: eg. in Switzerland Aargau on OSM has ref=AG.

(03 Jul '19, 11:24) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 02 Jul '19, 10:09

question was seen: 1,655 times

last updated: 03 Jul '19, 11:24

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