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Hi - I am trying to find the best way to search for "All butchers in England" or "All butchers in Germany". I notice that when I do a search for a butcher via Nominatim in Geopy where I already know the coordinates, Nominatim indeed seems to know it is a butcher:

location = geolocator.reverse("50.8907671, 12.4256231") locaton.raw {'place_id': ...other stuff. 'address': {'butcher': 'Fleischerei Hanns', 'house_number': '6', 'road': 'Am Löschkenberg'...

If I try an unstructured search I get very few results (should be in the thousands)

location = geolocator.geocode("butcher in germany", exactly_one=False, limit=None) len(location) 10

And I know you can do structured searches in Nominatim. So how would I structure a search here to return all the addresses that Nominatim thinks is a butcher?

PS - I do the same search on Overpass-turbo and get around 5900 entries, but the addresses do not routinely have a CITY and that's what I'm looking for. They only have what people might have entered. I can run the Overpass lat/long through Nominatim reverse search to get the city information, which works but it feels inefficient. If I can answer my first question I'll have a solution.

Thanks for any help!

asked 01 Jul '19, 19:20

matthpau's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jul '19, 19:23

Nominatim can only find POIs (shop, restaurant, hospital) in a short radius. Even then the list can be incomplete. Overpass or filtering a *.osm file with other tools is the better systematic approach for a whole country.

Nominatim support batch requests with The limit is set to 50 on (configurable if you have your own installation). It might seem inefficient but the only option would be direct database access to a Nominatim installation.

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answered 01 Jul '19, 19:58

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Super, thanks for the explanation.

(02 Jul '19, 07:45) matthpau

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question asked: 01 Jul '19, 19:20

question was seen: 2,096 times

last updated: 02 Jul '19, 08:26

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