Hi there, I am not used to publish in OSM. Maybe somebody else can do that for me. River "Schwentine" is said to end in east sea. That is not correct. River Schwentine ends in BALTIC SEA. Thank you for wonderful OSM Christian |
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Hi there, I am not used to publish in OSM. Maybe somebody else can do that for me. River "Schwentine" is said to end in east sea. That is not correct. River Schwentine ends in BALTIC SEA. Thank you for wonderful OSM Christian |
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question asked: 23 Jun '19, 16:12
question was seen: 780 times
last updated: 02 Jul '19, 12:18
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Hi CTrabandt,
can you please elaborate? The Schwentine is mapped originating somewhere south of Bergfeld, passing through several lakes and discharging into the Kieler Förde near Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf. That's consistent with the description at Wikipedia.
Where exactly do you think something is wrong? Are you using a particular app or website where the error appears? Can you link to the place?
Thanks, fixed it. Relation #535631
@TZorn: I think the problem was that the correct english term for "Ostsee" is "Baltic Sea" and not "East Sea"