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I work for County of Maui's Enterprise GIS Dept. maintaining the SQL Server GDBs containing county gov's "official" GIS data (roads, parcel boundaries, utilities, electoral districts, addressing, public transit GTFS feed, etc). As a county, we view this information as public record and are willing to share the majority of it w/OSM (minus layers with a security issue - water supply infrastructure for instance). We also hold a vast array of periodically updated "unofficial layers", such as highly detailed coastlines (digitized from 3"/pixel aerials), LIDAR/IfSAR-derived elevation contours, structure roof footprints, 4WD roads, trails, etc.

Several years ago I attempted to donate our structure/roof footprint layer to OSM and the those who responded misinterpreted my offer as inclusive of unlimited amounts of my personal time for field work. Just to be clear, If the OSM community would like the data, I am happy to answer technical questions, convert data formats, provide periodic updates, etc.; but I will not be able to get involved beyond that.

Let me know if this offer is of interest to the OSM community.

(EDIT) Apologies for the open ended nature of my post. I am ignorant as to how your project is structured (beyond relying on volunteers); I should have added that if there is a point of contact for mass data transfers, or a more appropriate place to post my offer please let me know.


asked 22 Jun '19, 18:11

MauiCountyGIS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jun '19, 20:19


I think that you better contact the US-community via one of the links on

(22 Jun '19, 18:28) escada

There's little structure to the community and no one really setup to accept the data.

Usually imports need a champion to push them through, though the hardest part usually is getting the source to understand that OSM is redistributing the data under a conditional license and that the data needs to be licensed/donated in a way that is compatible with that license. (I'm not suggesting you be the champion of an import here, just explaining that is what it takes).

A good place to start is to make the data available with a clear statement about the licensing/use in OSM. Then people can use it as a reference even if they don't go through the steps to bulk import it.

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '19, 03:26

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

Thanks for the info. We have a standard disclaimer we distribute with our datasets that are available to the public for online mapping or download. As taxpayer dollars paid for our data production we strive to share everything we can that doesn't compromise any personal information or Homeland Security regs. We're setting up an open data portal with an ETA of ~1 year. When that's complete I'll share a link with OSM. Any recommendations as to where to post such a notice within the constellation of OSM boards/sites would be appreciated.

As a word of thanks to all of you and your efforts, we often use the OSM basemap for our ArcGIS Online apps. It's an aesthetically pleasing data presentation, and the vast efforts you all have put into building this platform are appreciated.

(23 Jun '19, 04:13) MauiCountyGIS

An email to will get noticed.

There's also a fairly active slack instance: where you might get some more ideas or find the right person.

(23 Jun '19, 15:53) maxerickson

I also created a #hawaii channel on that Slack group, to help foster discussion.

(25 Jun '19, 00:17) Alan

Thanks for the offer of this data! You could also add any data links to the OSM wiki here:

permanent link

answered 25 Jun '19, 00:18

Alan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks Alan!

(25 Jun '19, 02:01) MauiCountyGIS

FYI for anyone who happens upon this - dovetailing on Alan's link to potential datasources which mentions OSM relying on US Census Dept. TIGER roads. I maintain Maui County's roads layer and occasionally interface with Census GIS employees to provide them data. TIGER is about a 8 or 9 out of 10 for accuracy. Ie the major roads are all likely to be correct, but new streets are likely to be missing, and defunct/derelict roads (usually agricultural/private/short spurs) haven't been removed. TIGER roads also lack true curves...or even densified curves and appear rough when zoomed in, but that's a lesser gripe.

That said, for OSM the convenience of one stop shopping vs. canvasing 50 states/thousands of county GIS depts may outweigh the additional accuracy and the efforts that keeping it current would entail. I think GIS in the US is moving towards a model like the Dept. of Defense where all bases have identical GIS schema so that data can be appended effortlesslly...and all of the data can be accessed from a central repository, but that may be another 10 or so years out.

It would be great if each state/county had an OSM point of contact to feed data to.

(27 Jun '19, 08:01) MauiCountyGIS

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question asked: 22 Jun '19, 18:11

question was seen: 1,521 times

last updated: 27 Jun '19, 08:01

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