L.S. which symbol is reserved for sewage treatment installations and in in which group is it placed: amenity or water? |
Use the tag man_made=wastewater_plant. For more detail see Tag:man_made=wastewater_plant. However it is not currently rendered by Mapnic or Cycle Map, but can be seen if you use the Osmarender view. thanks for your help
(09 Aug '11, 15:01)
I draw a polygon of the site and use the industrial tag and label it sewage works which renders ok. see http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.32332&lon=-0.14847&zoom=17&layers=M 4
You should use the correct tag mentioned by srbrook and you shouldn't abuse the name tag but instead enter the official name of the sewage works or leave it blank.
(09 Aug '11, 19:27)
scai ♦
I think that landuse=industrial is OK, but it is quite generic and man_made=wastewater_plant should be added as well to specifically tag this kind of facility.
(10 Aug '11, 11:42)