Some time ago I added a pub near where I live to the map. It has recently closed and now remains as the same building but boarded up and not open for business. The OSM Wiki's opening hours page doesn't mention things that never open, and doesn't seem quite right. How should I tag it as closed? |
I think there is a tag disused=yes that you can along with other tags. 3
Simply adding
(10 Sep '10, 08:30)
Jonathan Ben...
This is what I meant. Set up all the tags needed, then add disused=yes.
(10 Sep '10, 13:04)
Sure, but what Jonathan meant is: if an application doesn't recognize disused=yes, it will just parse your amenity=* and won't show the POI as disused. But if you use amenity=disused in the first place, there is no chance that this can happen. Either the application ignores the POI at all (or at least doesn't treat it as a regular POI) if it doesn't know amenity=disused, or it will handle it correctly as a disused amenity.
(10 Sep '10, 13:26)
scai ♦
Now I see the point, but it still doesn't seem right. The wiki page for the 'disused' key ( doesn't say you can use whatever value you wish, it says only 'yes' for a valid usage. If the application can't recognize the disused key you couldn't know how it will react to such a 'disused=*' combination. So which is more important - to view some object as 'not used now' and nothing more or view its amenity type? I think people have a different answers for that.
(10 Sep '10, 21:30)
The wiki page is just a guide, and in this case it's a poor guide. In OpenStreetMap you can use Any Tags You Like[1], so just because a wiki page doesn't list an option you think is appropriate, it doesn't mean you can't use it. It's just that someone hasn't got round to updating the documentation. If an application doesn't understand
(11 Sep '10, 00:51)
Jonathan Ben...
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I normally tag that as 6
Not sure when it was changed, but I have noticed the wiki currently recommends what looks like an improvement on the combination petschge mentions here. It suggests
(18 Mar '12, 20:27)
Why not just simply deleting the pub?
@c1map: it could still be a useful landmark, even if it is closed. Also deleting it may mean that some other OSMer with access to some out-of-date dataset may add it back in again.