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There is a special type of Hedge, made by braiding the branches or adding branches between poles out of willows and they start to grow as soon as an end of the twig has contact with soil. The kind of hedge is made by a special breed of people who do that kind of labour to build a hard to cross kind of hedge by bending branches timelessly. By using species like Blackberry, Hawthorn or Sea buckthorn is even less impregnable for animals and humans. Spieces in Latin Salix, Tuber & Rubus, hard to get into but harder to get out. Has any ones ever used a tag to specify these kind of barrier ?

asked 21 Jun '19, 20:44

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 21 Jun '19, 22:40

A photograph would help explain exactly what you're talking about here.

(23 Jun '19, 14:43) SomeoneElse ♦

As the wiki says there is currently no widely accepted tagging distinction between properly laid and ornamental hedges. If you would like to introduce one the most responsive place for discussion is probably the tagging mailinglist.

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answered 21 Jun '19, 21:39

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

In the area i live, Cambridgeshire UK lots of country paths pass through or follow beside hedgerows. In my experience most hedgerows seem to have been repaired, laid or have sections of fence or wire added to them over the years. Excellent examples of newly laid/built/tended could be mapped but after three years they could look like lots of other hedges. Often the hedges get flailed, with a nasty spinning disc on a hydraulic arm attached to a tractor when the hedge encroaches into the cropped or grass area they don't look good. Country Parks and Estates that pride themselves fine examples could be mapped. perhaps:- historic=hedge_laying_example or country_craft=laid_hedge

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answered 23 Jun '19, 13:58

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 21 Jun '19, 20:44

question was seen: 1,586 times

last updated: 23 Jun '19, 14:43

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