I'd like to set up a tile rendering server for my own use, for educational reasons, and for messing around with alternative renderings. I've followed the instructions at https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/, and despite not understanding everything made progress. One thing that I didn't understand from the instructions is the intended use of user accounts. It looks like there's the default system user, which is intended to be have sudo privileges, another unix account used for rendering purposes. The instructions seem to contradict themselves as to whether this secondary rendering account ( I'm also confused why it instructed me to change to the postgres unix user ( I've not yet successfully installed the server, and suspect that it may be due to an issue with user permissions, but would like to understand this before moving forward. |
You must understand there are two different sets of accounts: The Unix user accounts, and the PostgreSQL accounts. They are not necessarily aligned, however PostgreSQL's default setting is that if you have the Unix account X you will also use the PostgreSQL account X. The Unix superuser is The Unix user Giving the Indeed in more recent PostgreSQL versions,
The reason why the creation of a Unix account "renderaccount" is suggested is actually because of what we'd seen happen with previous versions of the instructions. There people either used "www-data" (often used as a default web server process) or "root" (definitely not recommended. Using "renderaccount" was designed to work independently of whatever might be there on a a server and not break anything. The assumption was that people might use these instructions on a machine that already exists, and by default if you set up a Ubuntu server you're asked for an initial user account. "renderaccount" was chosen because it's new and likely won't break anything that already exists. As Frederik says there are two sets of accounts involved here - Unix accounts and PostgreSQL users. The guide tries to gloss over that and uses the same name for both (hence the "createuser renderaccount" to create a postgres user of that name). If there's anything that you think needs to be clarified better please let us know - either by just saying what needs to be changed at the wordpress site or by a pull request to the github one. The Wordpress site is actually the "live" one, but the text content of the main pages is the same, so you can actually comment on either. Hi SomeoneElse, I didn't realize you were involved with Switch2osm too. You're a busy guy. Thank you for the reply here. That makes sense. I did realize that there are Unix and Postgres accounts involved, but I found it unclear in the instructions when we're talking about one, and when we're talking about the other.
(19 Jun '19, 01:11)