I am using OSM to plot locations on a map in another database, a very small percentage of the businesses I am plotting are not converting to the database. I have tried every which way of adding them to the map, adding tags that match the address exactly. And I just ran the report for the map and again, none of them show up. Any ideas how I can get these addresses to work or why they wouldn't be converting? They come up if I search in the OSM search engine just not in my database. |
Can you explain in more words what you are actually doing - for example, what tools are you using?
Yes - I am using iDashboards datahub. It is pulling data from a site that we store all of our contacts information (addresses). It's then converting the addresses through OSM into latitude/longitude to plot the contacts onto a map. Out of 1,000 contacts, we first had 50 that wouldn't convert to lat/lon, I figured out that updating the address to exactly what OSM wants to read worked. Then there were about 30 that didn't work, so I manually plotted them into OSM, now there are about 5-10 that I've manually plotted that just won't convert to lat/lon in the iDashboard data hub. I am not experienced in mapping whatsoever but have taken on this project. I can't figure out what else I can try to hopefully get the lat/lon to work.
@Megan112 please use comments or update your original answer, but do not use answers to and more information to your question. Thanks.
That sounds like if the service you are using simply is lagging behind OSM with updating. You should ask the provider how frequently they update.