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I live in a medical cannabis state in the US and would like to tag dispensaries in my area. However, the only reference I can find is for shop=cannabis, which the wiki explicitly states is inappropriate for medical facilities. I could use amenity=pharmacy, but as these facilities only dispense cannabis products, this seems inappropriate as well. Is there any generally accepted feature for this?

asked 12 Jun '19, 14:13

Itserpol's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is currently no special tag to differentiate between shops selling recreational cannabis and those that sell only medically prescribed cannabis.

As for the Wiki, I wouldn't let its pronouncements restrict my use of the shop=cannabis key. If we can come up with a suitable new tag to make it possible to include medical only shops, that would be my favored way forward. This is a good question for the tagging list to kick around.



or something similar?

Cheers, Dave

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answered 12 Jun '19, 17:15

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


The tag cannabis:medical=yes is already in use. In the case of a dispensary selling only medical cannabis, I would modify that tag:


cannabis:recreational=no (optionally)

At some point, someone will have to edit the shop=cannabis page to allow for this tagging scenario.

(12 Jun '19, 17:41) AlaskaDave

How about editing it now? :)

(13 Jun '19, 07:03) scai ♦

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question asked: 12 Jun '19, 14:13

question was seen: 1,434 times

last updated: 13 Jun '19, 07:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum