I have an app on my phone called OSMAnd v 2.80.When i do a post code search,my code is not lisfed likewise many others for the area in which i live,which is the UK.OSMAnd told me to contact you nice people to see if you can help me.Their data is sourced from Open Street Map.Thank you. |
If OSMAnd are only using OSM data for their search then it is likely that the postcodes you are trying to search for haven't yet been added to the map. So for example if you search for CO16 8GJ you will be able to find house number 7 among others on the street because the postcode is added, but if you search for say WV6 0HZ you won't find any houses (in that instance there are some WV6 0** postcodes showing, but I've not got as far as Crowther Road when visiting Wolverhampton based relatives - compare the buildings on Crowther Road which have been traced without address details to those showing house numbers slightly to the south). I believe the nominatim search engine used by the OpenStreetMap website uses the OS OpenData Codepoint dataset to be able to identify the postcode centroids (the central point for a given set of properties that use a single postcode) even when they aren't yet mapped. |
Adding your postcode is a good opportunity for you to start mapping see my answer to this question. https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/69430/postcode-brings-up-wrong-country