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When I rendered local OSM tiles for India data. It's showing the output as below. How can I change the zoom level![alt text][1] such that India map is show clearly.

Here's the link for image

asked 07 Jun '19, 12:14

Puranjay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You load the tile /0/0/0.png. Tiles are sorted into folders and names like this: {z}/{x}/{y}.png. So if you change your query to /1/0/0.png you will go one zoom level up.

Maybe you are looking for a real frontend to draw a map and zoom with your mouse? Check out Leaflet or Open Layers. It's also documented on the swith2osm site you are following.

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answered 07 Jun '19, 12:35

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

So is there any way to figure out values of {X}, {y} and {z} to see entire map or it's just hit and trial.

(07 Jun '19, 12:40) Puranjay

I have changed url to 'localhost/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' and some images are not loading as showing in console.

(07 Jun '19, 13:07) Puranjay

You might have hit a timeout if the tiles weren't already rendered. Try refreshing to see if they are now available.

(07 Jun '19, 13:31) EdLoach ♦

If you want to work out x, y and z values, see

(07 Jun '19, 13:34) EdLoach ♦

In a comment on an answer to your other question, I mentioned that suggests "In order to see tiles, we’ll cheat and use an html file “sample_leaflet.html” in mod_tile’s “extras” folder".

That's an HTML file that uses Leaflet (a Javascript library) to fetch the appropriate tiles so that you can view a full map. It's probably the easiest way to achieve what you want, but it would help if you explained what you want a map for - do you want to embed something in a web site, print it out, something else?

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answered 07 Jun '19, 14:23

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 07 Jun '19, 12:14

question was seen: 6,598 times

last updated: 07 Jun '19, 14:23

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