I try to download a map: 1. Enter country name in the search line 2. Click on Export 3. Click on Overpass API The xml that is being downloaded contains the error: runtime error: Query ran out of memory in "recurse" at line 1. It would need at least 581 MB of RAM to continue. Happens both is Chrome and Firefox asked 03 Jun '19, 09:32 ayaA1 |
Care to tell us what website you are trying to do this on?
Of course: https://www.openstreetmap.org/export#map=8/31.415/35.081
Just for completeness, since you say you're trying to download a map, what do you actually want to do with the thing that you're trying to download? It's worth checking, because a data extract from Overpass might not best for that use (whatever that is).
I would like to calculate the length of streets/roads
I'd suggest downloading the country or region that you want from https://download.geofabrik.de/ .