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Is it possible to view and export a map without all the labels and businesses on it? The area I'd like to use is a densely populated area and all the labels on it make it just confusing. I don't really need to see McDonald's on the map if you know what I mean.

Interestingly enough, if I compare the map to other highly populated areas, i.e. NYC, there are no such labels or businesses listed (bars, etc).

I'm new here so forgive my basic question, but couldn't find a clear answer anywhere.

Thanks in advance!

asked 07 Aug '11, 10:33

Pepino's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Probably in NYC there is not much data, but if it were there the names of the rendered items would be displayed as well: currently the rendering stylesheet is the same for the whole globe.

(07 Aug '11, 14:01) dieterdreist

This is a very frequently asked question. Check out the following existing answers:

permanent link

answered 07 Aug '11, 11:04

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 07 Aug '11, 11:09


Unfortunately, these answers, although probably helpful to some, are completely inappropriate for me. Thanks for your time though.

It seems to me that the map defeats the purpose if it's so inflexible to common map users like me. Isn't there just a basic street map with street names and other basic information, i.e. governmental buildings or services, etc.?

I was so excited to find OMS originally, but it now seems that I have to spend to much time researching and learning more background 'how-to' stuff in order to make use of its ability. I mean, what about people that come here and have no idea what "rendering stylesheets" and other more technical applications mean? It seems to me that this approach is just not an accessible way to provide such a valuable resource such as OMS to regular folks like me - just my tuppence.

(07 Aug '11, 19:17) Pepino

There is often a problem with expectation setting. OpenStreetMap ist primarily a data collection project. It is not the aim of the project to supply everyone with every conceivable map; this is something that we want to enable people to do for themselves, or for others. It works with lots of specialist maps - OpenCycleMap, OpenSeaMap, several hiking maps, public transport maps - all these are not produced by OSM but by enthusiasts happy to design a good rendering style sheet. But like in any Open Source project - if you're not happy with what's on offer, you have to do it yourself.

(07 Aug '11, 20:01) Frederik Ramm ♦

Just occurred to me that the Mapquest OSM map (at might suit your requirements better. Also at there's a style editor that you might be able to use.

(07 Aug '11, 20:04) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 07 Aug '11, 10:33

question was seen: 20,105 times

last updated: 07 Aug '11, 20:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum