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I would like to ask for information about OSM and Wikidata.

The thing is that I know that some brands (supermarkets, fast-food chains, gas stations and so on) are set as brand in OSM (iD editor). So if when I write McDonald's in the OSM search engine while editing, I will automatically be offered a "McDonald's Burger Fast Food" version, and this option will also show the brand's logo right next to the text. In the description of this newly created point, it will automatically fill in – brand:McDonald’s, brand:wikidata - Q38076, brand:wikipedia - en:McDonald's, cousine, takeaway, amenity and name, as you can see below.

Well, and I would like to create such an attribute or a faster picking option on one supermarket chain, but I don't know how to achieve it. I have a Wikidata and a Wikipedia page already created but I don't know how to link it to something like you can see on the images.

Thank you very much for your answer!



asked 30 May '19, 20:52

Rick%20Richards's gravatar image

Rick Richards
accept rate: 0%

Hey Rick Richards, glad you are enjoying the brand feature in iD!

If you want to open an issue in project, it will be picked up by iD. Or if you don't want to use GitHub, just post the details here and I will add it. Thanks!

permanent link

answered 30 May '19, 22:02

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%


Thank you for clarifying my question!

I would like to do it myself, because I don't want to bother you, but I don't know how so if you can add it, it would be perfect.

Should it look like this?

"shop/supermarket|Fresh": {
"tags": {
"shop": "supermarket",
"brand": "Fresh",
"brand:wikidata": "Q50737403",
"brand:wikipedia": "sk:Fresh",
"name": "Fresh"

How long can it take to be implemented in iD/OSM?
If you need more information please let me know here. Thanks again!

(31 May '19, 09:08) Rick Richards

Looks good to me! If you want to add it yourself you can open a Pull Request to that project.
It will be added the next time we update the brands in iD, probably within a few days.

(31 May '19, 16:54) bhousel

I would like to, but I really don't know how to proceed :-/
First of all, I clicked on the "New pull request" button, then I need to choose "base" branch and somenting that I can compare with it, but I absolutely don't know what to choose. (And also, I'm not sure if I'm in the right section at all.) I want to learn this process for further need, but It's little bit disappointing for me :-/ Can you somehow help me with it? Thanks!

(31 May '19, 21:17) Rick Richards

Maybe take a look at

(I think it is not too bad, it's rather brief though)

There's quite a lot of complexity to deal with the first couple of times you make a pull request on github, it ends up making collaboration quite a bit easier.

Conceptually, you make a working copy of the project (clone), make your changes (commit), introduce them to github (push), and then use github to propose merging those changes to the main copy of the project (pull request).

(31 May '19, 21:53) maxerickson

no worries Rick Richards, I just added it.

(31 May '19, 22:08) bhousel

Thank you Max, I will read it surely! And thank you Bryan! Just one last thing. Can you send me a link, where can I see progress/acceptation of this request? Thanks again! I really appreciate your help.

(31 May '19, 22:23) Rick Richards
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question asked: 30 May '19, 20:52

question was seen: 2,194 times

last updated: 31 May '19, 22:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum