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I am using High Sierra OSX 10.13.6 and recently installed Java 12. However, JOSM (I am running the most recent version) insists on loading Java 8. I have properly set JAVA_HOME and if I run JOSM from a terminal session, it invokes JAVA 12 like it should. This is clearly some "FEATURE" that Apple has made available (the Java Console shoes that Java 8 is still reflected as the current plugin, because Java 12 does not have a java plugin. I even renamed the Home directory in the plugin directory and linked the java 12 Home to it, and I got a JOSM loading error.

How do I configure whatever prefs file plist file that controls JOSM to use Java 12? I looked in both I cold find, and there seems to be nothing there, though JOSM says that the selection of Java 8 is in the preferences file....

asked 26 May '19, 05:53

net-buoy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you trying to use the jnlp of JOSM? I thought that Oracle removed that feature from Java, so it is no longer possible to use webstart with Java 12. If you really want to use Java 12 to run Josm, you have to download the jar version and start that your Java 12 from the command line.

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answered 26 May '19, 06:24

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I downloaded which is an that can be placed in Applications with the current jar (josm-snapshot-15031.jar) which is the same as latest-tested.jar. So, no I am NOT running jnlp, I am running the jar. There is some setting somewhere in OSX that is telling the app to use the plugin as even when I change the name of the jdk, JOSM still runs using the plugin from Java 8 :-(

SO, JOSM does run as an app from the jar, but it is sourcing the internet java plugin, instead of the installed JDK, and Java 12 won't overwrite the plugin because it does not come with one. Now, if I remove the jaba plugin, I am afraid that JOSM won;t run at all, hence I want to figure out how JOSM is sourcing a java version on J=High Sierra, and just change the source.

(26 May '19, 06:38) net-buoy

On one of the machines on which I run JOSM, I have removed the Java plugin without problems, but I'm still using Java 8 form AdoptOpenJDK on that machine. I wonder which runtime libraries are missing from Java 12 (see for ta full list of problems caused by Oracle's new Java Policy)

(27 May '19, 04:12) escada

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question asked: 26 May '19, 05:53

question was seen: 1,818 times

last updated: 27 May '19, 04:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum