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How do I assign multiple addresses to same object (e.g. a building)?

asked 25 May '19, 20:30

ateny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 May '19, 20:30

Simplest way: Don't add any addr:* tags to the building itself. Instead, create nodes inside the building perimeter (preferably near the entrances that corresponds to each address) and add the addr:* tags to those nodes. The addresses can be entirely different -- different housenumber, different street.

More complicated: Similar, but instead of address nodes inside the building's perimeter, put entrance nodes directly on the building's perimeter. Tag these with the addr:* info plus add entrance=main or entrance=yes. Possible difficulty -- you might not consider every address to be a true "entrance" to the building. (If it's just the address of a shop on the ground floor of a large building, should that be considered an entrance to the building? Opinions differ on this.)

There are other approaches too, depending on the circumstances. If you show the exact situation I can tell you what I would do ... but ultimately it depends on local consensus. Examine nearby areas that are well mapped, and see how similar situations have been handled. Don't be shy about contacting the local mappers who dealt with these same problems in the past -- sometimes they're long gone, but often they're happy to advise & help.

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answered 26 May '19, 03:15

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

There’s an article in the wiki on this topic: Scroll down to the headline “Buildings with multiple house numbers” According to this there is currently no global consensus on this.

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answered 25 May '19, 20:38

Mofte105's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you. I had read that section and I thought it talked only about house numbers, which I assumed was about different numbers for same address. The scenario I am proposing is when addresses are different. I was not able to use tags e.g. addr:street multiple times, and there are no alternate address tags such as there are for names, e.g. alt:street:alt_name.

(25 May '19, 23:46) ateny

Ah well, multiple house numbers was the scenario I was thinking of, sorry. Without knowing any further detail I‘d go with umsonst‘s first proposal.

(26 May '19, 03:52) Mofte105

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question asked: 25 May '19, 20:30

question was seen: 3,236 times

last updated: 26 May '19, 03:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum