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Hi all! I am new at this. I would like to make a map (with a public organization) related to bookstores throughout Latin America. Is it possible to use OpenStreetMap to do that? Is it necessary to develop something special? Or is it enough if we call people to share the information directly on the platform?

asked 20 May '19, 19:38

danielbenchi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

All one needs to add data to OSM is an account, which is easy for people to set up. With iD editor, it is usually pretty easy for people with basic computer skills to add points like stores.

The bigger question is where will the data come from.

  • If people add bookstores in their area which they visit or know about, that's pretty clearly welcomed. See Mapping Parties for some possible ideas.
  • If, however, there is some kind of list or other data source mappers would be drawing from, you should consult the Import/Guidelines wikipage about issues of legality and processes to follow.
permanent link

answered 21 May '19, 16:32

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 20 May '19, 19:38

question was seen: 904 times

last updated: 21 May '19, 16:32

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NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum