I just want to convert OSM data to GeoJSON where it is pretty simple with node and way tags of OSM data, but relation which is giving complex can't find the logic to convert OSM relation to GeoJSON format, especially how to form coordinates parameter of GeoJSON based on their relation member roles (ex. Inner, outer,admin_centre,riverbank,side_stream,main_stream,from,via,to,forward,backward,stop_entry_only,stop_exit_only and platform_exit_only). I have tried many documentation but no logics or code found in Java and Python. In Python https://pypi.org/project/osm2geojson/ osm Official https://wiki.openstreetmap.org geojson Official https://geojson.org/ sample data: https://download.geofabrik.de/asia/maldives-latest.osm.bz2 https://download.geofabrik.de/asia/bhutan-latest.osm.pbf As simple, how to form relation member's latitude and longitude in coordinates parameter of GeoJSON based on their roles? EXample code
I have tried in Java and Python but reason is I could not find the logic behind the conversion of the relation tags from OSM to GeoJSON I am expecting the logic behind the conversion of the relation tags from OSM to GeoJSON and sample code for that. |
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