I want to use a JOSM overpass query to exclude from a "building=" download all buildings that have an "entrance=" node that has "addr:housenumber" or "addr:street". . |
Here's a basic sketch of how to do it:
You can see that the Walmart in the bounding box is not in the result set, as it does have an entrance. You'll need to add some rules to deal with the requirement for an address component and you might want to handle relations in addition to ways, but the basic pattern is to find the buildings, use the node recursion filter to find the entrances, use the way (and maybe relation) recursion filters to find the buildings those nodes are members of, and then take the difference between that and the initial set of buildings. Thanks @maxerickson that's a great answer, especially with the sample code. You are a good teacher. I always knew I'd have to learn more than just the "Wizard"
(15 May '19, 21:38)