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I have a lot of GPX traces where it would be great to auto-detect mismatch with the actual data, like ">10km/h against oneway". Even more importantly, if I see a roundabout that is not in the map yet, I make 2+ rounds on it. In cases when I have missed to map the right after the trip, is there a way to audo-detect such features in my GPX traces?

asked 13 May '19, 12:20

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

There are a few tools out there for map matching but I'm not aware of any others whose main purpose is to object loudly when the match fails except the non-functioning "That Shouldn't Be Possible". I will watch this space with interest.

(13 May '19, 18:44) InsertUser

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question asked: 13 May '19, 12:20

question was seen: 592 times

last updated: 13 May '19, 18:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum