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How to tag a section of a road that is, legally, used by prostitutes to pick up clients

asked 12 May '19, 21:26

ursus%20kirk's gravatar image

ursus kirk
accept rate: 0%

We have amenity=brothel but that's not a good fit imo. The wiki says it's for an "establishment." Nonetheless there are 16 occurrences worldwide of amenity=brothel + brothel:street_prostitution=yes, so it seems that's the most popular solution.

If it feels wrong (it's verging on "troll tagging"), you could just go with prostitution=yes, also in use. (Probably as a property of a bar or hotel, I'm guessing, so maybe the standalone version would just be amenity=prostitution -- but it seems that tag is not yet in use anywhere.)

Regardless, these tags would not go on the street itself, but rather on a node or area (or multipolygon) to the side.


edit - If you do map something like this, it's likely that another mapper might remove your addition as unverifiable. Consider adding a source tag with a link describing the regulations that permit this activity in this area, if possible. If the area is signed, describe the signs in your changeset comment.

permanent link

answered 13 May '19, 13:09

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 13 May '19, 15:39

Thank you for your insight. Indeed it is not an establishment. It is a stretch of normal road during daytime. Leading up to a DIY department store. In evening and early night prostitutes are allowed there to pick up punters. There are no buildings there, (so no brothel) they go with their punters in the punters' car to a separate place next to a canal where they 'do their job'.

(13 May '19, 14:54) ursus kirk

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question asked: 12 May '19, 21:26

question was seen: 1,694 times

last updated: 13 May '19, 15:39

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