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is there a known issue with uploading GPX files currently? I tried to upload a GPX file about 10 times till now. Normally I get a bar on top of my personal GPS trace list saying, that it might take up to 30 minutes to save the trace in the database, and that I will get an email, when this is done. In the past this worked for many years, but today firefox shows a swinging working symbol on the tab and displays something like "Sending request to" at the bottom of the page for a long while and then these both disapear, and only the upload page in its last stage (upload button is grayed out) is displayed. If I refresh the page, my file name and my description are displayed as before, but now I can click again on the upload button. If doing so, the same game repeats.

I read here in an older similar issue, that it could be a problem of firefox. Does anyone know more about this?

Best Regards tkansgar

asked 03 May '19, 20:32

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Hi again,

I just tried it with IE. It's almost the same. Only the waiting time is much longer, and IE then says, that there is no access to the site.


(03 May '19, 20:52) tkansgar

... but now I've got an email, and my trace is listed on my private page, although no browser displayed the corresponding message. Strange! Don't know, which browser was successful.

(03 May '19, 20:59) tkansgar

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question asked: 03 May '19, 20:32

question was seen: 1,100 times

last updated: 03 May '19, 21:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum