Hey, basically I was setting up an osm tileserver. Now I'm at one point where I can't fix the problem by myself. So here's my problem: When I run
I also tried the answers from that post from stackoverflow but it didn't help. Anyone another idea that can make it work? Best regards, N3x |
Problem fixed - no answers needed anymore So what was it in the end?
(23 May '19, 15:30)
SomeoneElse ♦
"What are the access rights to that folder and as what user are you trying to create a socket in there?" that comment helped a lot. And the database error was because I had to change
(23 May '19, 15:34)
Could you explain what you did to solve it? I'm having the same problem. My plugins_dir is ok, the access rights seems to be my problem.
(07 Jul '19, 03:28)
Do you have a /var/run/renderd directory? Otherwise :
I already created that folder before running it
(30 Apr '19, 07:08)
What are the access rights to that folder and as what user are you trying to create a socket in there?
(30 Apr '19, 09:56)
SomeoneElse ♦
Didn't thought about that. Created with root and not it belongs to the user I'm executing the command with. Getting this output now: https://pastebin.com/pBADCg0P And when I try to open it in my Brwoser I get another error which I can't seem to get right now
(30 Apr '19, 10:54)
"An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': Could not create datasource for type: 'postgis' (no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)" suggests you haven't don't the postgis part of that postgres setup. Maybe have a read of https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ and see what you might be missing?
(30 Apr '19, 10:57)
SomeoneElse ♦
Funny thing is that I'm builing it using these instrustions. Just tried to do the postgres steps again but it seems like I already did everything right. I can only try to set up a new Server.
(30 Apr '19, 12:16)
You don't have multiple versions of postgres by any chance do you? Perhaps one has postgis set up but one not.
(01 May '19, 11:21)
SomeoneElse ♦
I don't. I tried to reinstall psql and correctly choose the owners but it still won't work. Warnings + Errors: https://pastebin.com/VhcaXtPC Got any other idea?
(02 May '19, 12:53)
I was checking that pastebin and went to the file written in the error. Here's what I got: https://pastebin.com/WwEYdyLn Is there any problem with that line or the whole layer?
(03 May '19, 07:57)
That still says "Could not create datasource for type: 'postgis' (no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)". You'll need to resolve that before you can proceed. You say "I already did everything right" yet your computer disagrees with you. Arguing with inanimate objects is rarely productive; and unfortunately only you know what you have actually done to get to where you are. Trying everything again on a new server (a small virtual machine, perhaps) would be one way to investigate what went wrong.
(03 May '19, 11:14)
SomeoneElse ♦
Well... I set up a new VM and tried it again. Checked every step and set everything right. Still won't work. 2 VMs, same instructions, same result. Both won't work like they should.
(08 May '19, 07:51)
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Which Linux distribution are you running?
ubuntu 18.04 lts server