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Hi everyone

I am trying to fix one of the motorway link roads in Wolverhampton M54 junction 2. Although all of the link roads around and into the i54 are showing allow vehicle access when you go onto the directions section it is not allowing any.

I have checked over it all and cannot seem to see a fix for it. If anyone has a fix it would be really appreciated as its adding on a 6 mile detour because it does not realise that the slip road exists

Many thanks

asked 25 Apr '19, 12:57

joshuaowen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You have several ways with construction=trunk still on them, for example . OSRM will refuse to route over any way with construction=* . Review all the ways and make sure this tag is removed.

Remember that most routing engines take a while to update and your changes will probably take at least a day to be reflected in route calculations, very possibly more.

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answered 25 Apr '19, 21:57

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

thank you so much for that i did not realise the construction tag was in there. These roads have been built for the last few years and suddenly stopped working on the routes a while back and we couldn't work out why!

the only section that did not have any construction on was the m54 slip road coming onto the i54 islands where the construction section was. I have changed all the rest of the construction. Fingers crossed this sortes the rest

Thank you again

(26 Apr '19, 07:56) joshuaowen

Overpass turbo finds these two nearby ways with construction tags still on them, though shouldn't be part of the M54 junction issue. in case you want to check other areas

(26 Apr '19, 12:16) EdLoach ♦

Can you post the route you are trying to get working, and whether is is a problem on both Car (OSRM) and Car (GraphHopper)? GraphHopper seems happy with routes like and (and their reversed versions, if you move the motorway pin across to the correct carriageway).

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answered 25 Apr '19, 15:32

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

It looks like the system we use runs off the OSRM as the route is working with Graph Hopper. Just looks like we need to work out a way of OSRM noticing the same motorway exit rather than going across to the next one

this is the route that diverts to the next motorway junction to turn around. The reverse journey works correctly

this is the other section that doesnt seem to work with OSRM. It stops the journey as it meets the A4510 rather than going down the road as it does work Graph Hopper

Cheers for the help

(25 Apr '19, 16:17) joshuaowen

This fails for OSRM because some highways still have a construction tag set, for example The mapping is unclear. There is highway=primary and construction=trunk. Either the road is usable or it is in a construction state. OSRM decides to choose the latter case and avoids it. The map data needs to be fixed. See for the same discussion.

(26 Apr '19, 07:39) scai ♦

I removed one or two construction tags on those roads, but may have missed some.

(26 Apr '19, 11:57) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 25 Apr '19, 12:57

question was seen: 2,011 times

last updated: 26 Apr '19, 12:16

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