Hi all, Using timezone-boundary-builder ( https://github.com/evansiroky/timezone-boundary-builder ) which downloads zone files using overpass and builds its own database from the polygons. Cambridge Bay and Rankin Inlet zones have errors as shown below. I had to remove these zones from the timezone-boundary-builder boundary and timezone json files to complete the building of the shape files, but then when trying to find the zone using lat/long of either zone, ZoneDetect comes up empty, so no coverage for these zones which may impact my usage. Is someone able to fix these or do I have to do this myself? How could I fix this myself without going down a rabbit hole (visualizing the actual boundaries, fixing the coordinates and then exporting back out to whatever format is on the server, uploading to the server.. how is all this done?) Here is the error output for both zones; I removed Cambridge Bay first to be able to continue to see the problem with Rankin Inlet. Many thanks in advance. getting data for Cambridge Bay-tz; Downloading progress: 14.3% done - 0.0 seconds left downloading from overpass waiting 4 seconds Success, decreasing overpass request gap combining border Invalid geojson received in Overpass Result Overpass query: [out:json][timeout:60];(relation["timezone"="America/Cambridge_Bay"];);out body;>;out meta qt; saved problem file to Cambridge Bay-tz_convert_to_geom_error.json To read more about this error, please visit https://git.io/vxKQq done error! [ { message: 'the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same', line: 5 }, { message: 'the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same', line: 10973 }, { message: 'the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same', line: 28797 }, { message: 'the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same', line: 29045 } ] getting data for Rankin Inlet-tz; Downloading progress: 70.2% done - 0.0 seconds left downloading from overpass waiting 4 seconds Success, decreasing overpass request gap combining border Invalid geojson received in Overpass Result Overpass query: [out:json][timeout:60];(relation["timezone"="America/Rankin_Inlet"];);out body;>;out meta qt; saved problem file to Rankin Inlet-tz_convert_to_geom_error.json To read more about this error, please visit https://git.io/vxKQq done error! [ { message: 'the first and last positions in a LinearRing of coordinates must be the same', line: 4 } ] |
You can analyse relations such as this using Relation Analyzer. The map view shows where the problem is with Rankin Inlet timezone: http://ra.osmsurround.org/analyzeMap?relationId=6446189. OSM is a wiki, if this data is important to you, then I'd advise learning how to repair it: to most OSM contributors (and I expect editor maintainers) these are rather obscure items which may be easily damaged. Either way references to OSM elements are far more useful for getting help of this sort than output from your workflow tools. |