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I am very new to overpass api. I am trying to find a way to get nearby cities. i,e if I enter a city or a state, I should be able to get cities within that input area. And as an option, I want to filter the results for a specific country. I have tried several ways. But none of them seems to work.


Here India is the country Kerala is a state of the country And Cochin is a city inside that state. So I am trying to find the nearby cities of Cochin

asked 10 Apr '19, 17:08

zudheer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Zudheer, you might want to take a look at overpass-turbo, it has a wizard (see menu-button on the top) which translates easy words to queries, great for experimenting and learning. I'Ve made you a quick example here ->

On a little side-note, I think it'S safe to say this code:


can be shortened by:


Hope it helped!

permanent link

answered 10 Apr '19, 18:08

tijmenheid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Apr '19, 17:08

question was seen: 2,616 times

last updated: 10 Apr '19, 18:08

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